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Uitslagen van RJ6C - Jongens U16 B
RJ6C-EJ14-09-200314:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1Mosquito's Mannen U16 2Apollohal36 - 74
RJ6C-IE27-09-200313:30Onze Gezellen Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Onze Gezellen Sporthal58 - 38
RJ6C-EH04-10-200314:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1BV Lely Amsterdam Mannen U16 1Apollohal34 - 76
RJ6C-EF26-10-200314:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1AMVJ-Amsterdam Mannen U16 1Apollohal43 - 63
RJ6C-NE01-11-200316:00Mosquito's Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Apollohal101 - 34
RJ6C-EC16-11-200314:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1BV Noordkop Mannen U16 2Apollohal73 - 69
RJ6C-BE22-11-200314:30BV Hoofddorp Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Het Spectrum63 - 39
RJ6C-EA30-11-200314:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1BV Early Bird Mannen U16 1Apollohal65 - 88
RJ6C-EL14-12-200314:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1VBC Akrides Mannen U16 1Apollohal44 - 72
RJ6C-KE21-12-200313:15Landslake Lions Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Indoor Centrum43 - 59
RJ6C-JE10-01-200414:00Mosquito's Mannen U16 2The Falcons Mannen U16 1Apollohal121 - 35
RJ6C-EI18-01-200414:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1Onze Gezellen Mannen U16 1Apollohal37 - 52
RJ6C-HE24-01-200414:00BV Lely Amsterdam Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Apollohal81 - 38
RJ6C-FE08-02-200417:00AMVJ-Amsterdam Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Ookmeer86 - 51
RJ6C-EN15-02-200414:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1Mosquito's Mannen U16 1Apollohal39 - 100
RJ6C-ED06-03-200414:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1BV Noordkop Mannen U16 1Apollohal35 - 92
RJ6C-CE14-03-200413:30BV Noordkop Mannen U16 2The Falcons Mannen U16 1De Slenk55 - 59
RJ6C-EB21-03-200414:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1BV Hoofddorp Mannen U16 1Apollohal62 - 67
RJ6C-AE28-03-200414:30BV Early Bird Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Karekiet0 - 20
RJ6C-dE04-04-200415:30BV Noordkop Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1De Slenk92 - 29
RJ6C-LE16-04-200419:15VBC Akrides Mannen U16 1The Falcons Mannen U16 1Sporthal IJmuiden-Oost53 - 54
RJ6C-EK25-04-200414:00The Falcons Mannen U16 1Landslake Lions Mannen U16 1Apollohal56 - 29

22 wedstrijden in het schema

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